Behavioral Crossroads Written Statement Regarding Cultural Diversity

New Jersey is among the top three states in the United States with respect to diverse racial, ethnic, and foreign-born populations.1 Populations teeming with diversity bring forth unique mindsets, traditions, beliefs, and techniques of communication. To deliver the best possible service, social and healthcare workers need a culturally sensitive approach that incorporates a consumer’s diverse…

The Daniel Plan

“To change your life you must change the way you think” Day 1 of making better choices and continuing to support each other. #danielplan #40days #bcrteam #wecandothis The Daniel Plan is far more than a diet. It is a lifestyle program based on spiritual principles and five essential components: Food, Fitness, Focus, Faith, and Friends.…

Long Term Effects of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction can lead to numerous physical and mental health problems in the future. Drug addiction causes long-term changes to the brain which makes quitting almost impossible. Examples of physical health problems are lung cancer, heart disease, liver damage, and kidney failure. Mental health problems that can occur are depression or anxiety. It is possible…

Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

What is post-acute withdrawal syndrome? Following medically supervised detox from highly addictive substances, most people experience a short phase of physical discomfort, otherwise known as acute withdrawal.  Acute withdrawal can produce more dangerous health consequences—even life-threatening complications if detox isn’t done in a supervised setting. But there’s more to drug and alcohol withdrawal than physical symptoms of discomfort. While…

Managing two pandemics at once

Even in ideal circumstances, addiction recovery can be difficult. Add a pandemic into the mix, and things can start to feel overwhelming. It is understandable to feel challenged and worried by these unusual times, but they do not have to derail your recovery process. Below are some tips for managing addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic.   Take advantage…